At first this was only happening a TADs in my car as I listened to the radio. Now, it's happening all the time. I find myself just paying a TADs bit of attention and wanting to re-wind or pause a conversation.
Just this morning, I was in the shower and I heard the phone ring. I thought, "I'll just pause"...wait...not possible. Then just as I was getting out, I thought I heard the doorbell ring. Out of my compulsion to answer EVERYTHING...always (which is a completely different illness for another day)...I thought, "I should go answer that...but I can't in a towel. If I could just rewind and listen again, I'd be a TADs more certain there's someone there." This would have proven especially handy when I realized that my laundry basket that was full of all my clean undies was in the middle of the living room floor in front of the very large, and very open window.
Does anyone know of a remedy?...other than the obvious 'stop watching tv'. That one won't do. I gotta have my 'Office' fix.
I'm blog-challenged...(user error)I don't know how I made that first sentence a link...please disregard!
Karen, Tivo is an addiction that affects all facets of my life. I wish I could fast forward through the dishes, and get straight to playing games with my kids. And then if you TRY to watch live TV it's pure torture. Although once in a while it's interesting to catch up on commercials. There are some pretty funny ones if you haven't watched them in a year! And McDreamy is my boyfriend.
I love this post more than just a TADs.
My remote has ruined me too. I find myself always wanting to mute my children, my dog, annoying people on cell phones, the party gang next door, and sometimes my brain.
I see that you have made your rise to the top of the blogging chain--Paige has left a comment! I want to call and make sure you know it, but it is only 8 am on a sat. Wake up Karen!
I am awake...I had to get up at this awful hour to get ready for the primary practice for the program tomorrow.
I am honored at Paige's presence. Thanks for your visit...and good luck with your hair bows...I mean program. My philosophy is that...it is what it is. The kids will behave when their parents are in the congregation giving them the evil eye, and the Spirit will be there. That's all that matters, right? I hope it all goes well!
Have I mentioned I'll be glad when this weekend is OVER!
Oh, I feel your TiVo/TADS pain! Just yesterday, there was this great song on the radio, and I wanted to hit "rewind". You have no idea how many times I've said "I want RadiVo!"
I'm sorry I have no real solutions, just commiseration!
Troy wants to get rid of our DVR. I told him we should eat less. . . Am I an awful person?
I say starve your children and watch the office over and over again!
I have been thinking and laughing about this post all weekend. Even though I don't have TiVo, I somehow relate.
You really captured it!!
I would rather get rid of my car than my DVR.
By the way, thanks for commenting on my blog and reading it. You know that makes us best friends, right?
You crack me up! I am just too cheap to pay for cable right now (I have the good ol' antennae on my roof!) so i have no TiVo, but I am totally addicted to subtitles. Mostly on movies (tv subtitles are too slow) so when I don't hear somebody as well as I want to I start searching for a way to turn on their subtitles!
I have a trophy for you. . .
Paige...I love that we're best friends...I'll take all the friends I can get! (does that sound too desperate/needy?)
oh my gosh! I don't know how many times I've caught myself in my car and I missed what was said and I think for a split second, "I'll just rewind it and see". LOL!
Now, I don't know that I could ever live without it.
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