So, tonight was Blogfest, AZ style. It was great. Naturally, I was the consummate hostess...well, okay, it was at my house...The MomBabe
...cute new shirt, MomBabe...
did all the work (including showing up just in the nick of time to blow-dry and style my hair for's all about who you know). It was so fun to meet Lorena and Lauren. And of-course it's always fun to hang out with PiP and Lindsay. We missed those of you who felt the need to celebrate anniversaries, or have b-day dinners/dates/whatever that kept you away. We're already thinking about when to do the next one, so you better be at that one.We ate lots of yummy food (thanks, everyone for bringing stuff...and truly outdid yourself - she made everything on the table...all. of. it!)
and talked...about in-laws (I didn't even get to share my best gift ever story...which involves poop...yep. poop. But that's a post for another day), husbands, blogging, how we'll refer to some of the fixtures/appliances in my house as 'retro' instead of 'outdated', kids and more. It was great to get to know you all a little better. And thanks to Lorena, we each had these cute name tags to help us remember who was who. Alright, it wasn't really that hard to remember, but was a fun idea.
Here we all are: Lorena, Me, Lindsay, Lauren, PiP, and MomBabe.
PiP and Lauren.
Lorena and Lindsay.
Of course, what Blogfest would be complete without Denae's blog brownies(click for the recipe).
Yummmy!! Those were so delicious! Thanks for making them, Lorena.
And thanks for all the fun, girls. I can't wait until next time!
P.S. If you post pictures I like better than these, I will probably have to swipe them and use them.
Of course, what Blogfest would be complete without Denae's blog brownies(click for the recipe).
And thanks for all the fun, girls. I can't wait until next time!
P.S. If you post pictures I like better than these, I will probably have to swipe them and use them.
whoa, you're fast. I'm just glad that we weren't totally lame. :)
Not lame at all! It was so much fun. Thanks again for letting us use your retro place. :) Let's do it again for sure sometime!
WHOOO HOOOO!!!! i vote next time we have a good ole fashion slumber party..oh heard it here first!
Thanks for was so much fun! I am intrigued by the poop story, so next time my house. We will hang out in my the dark, of course, so no one will see my dimpled thighs.
That was a blast. You are the hostess with the mostest!
It was so nice to share my bff with some blogging buddies!
I feel jealous and sad for not getting down there. I'm coming next time. Give me more than week's notice, okay?
Great party. Thanks for the comprehensive photos. I had to enlarge all of them.
PiP...I think it's funny that of all the picture combos, there's not one of you and I...silly.
CF...I'm super happy you enlarged the pics...nothing like the idea of you seeing the 'blown up' version to boost the self esteem. We needed you here...seems like you were the common bond. We'll make sure to give you lots of notice next time.
Fun pictures. I cannot believe MomBabe with her CRAZY life, made all of that stuff.
I'm jealous. Lorena's mine, you know!
WAAAaaaaaaaa! :( I'm so sad I couldn't go!
So....when are you doing another one? ;)
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