Monday, November 17, 2008

I forgot to mention that Rachel and Hannah played a piano duet in Sacrament Meeting yesterday.

Before we went to church there was a lot of worry going on in this house...

me about my lesson - and a little nervous for the girls...

and them for their duet.

They both practiced hard and did a GREAT job. I was so nervous for them (because I'd rather sing in General Conference than play piano in front of ANYONE), but they did really well.

My favorite part was that they had to work together as a team. Once they figured out how to do that, it was smooth sailing.

I was a little concerned about the potential brawl that would break out in front of the entire congregation.

Saturday we went down to have them practice and it did not.go.well. There was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Sunday went smoothly, though, and now we can just chalk it up as a great experience and they can do it again sometime.

How did my lesson go, you ask? Well, it was interesting. Hopefully I'll get the chance to do it again on a little easier topic (mine was 'Life after death').

Check one more thing off the list...

On to the next...


Jen said...

good job w/ the stew! how fun for the girls! that would make for one crazy morning I'm sure!

White Family said...

Great job on the lesson Karen. I think you even did a great job on redirecting some of the "interesting but not on the subject" comments. Hurray for the girls....I think they did a wonderful job playing the piano.

Anonymous said...

gnashing of teeth is common among sisters. what is your new calling. you are awesome!

Micheline said...

Rachel and Hannah did great! Good practice for them before a crowd! I wish I could have been there for the lesson - but primary just had to have help that day. Bummer!

Cookie Mama said...

I bet your lesson was as amazing as you are. I would have loved to hear your girls play I'm sure they were fantastic.

Although secretly I would have enjoyed watching the Saturday practice more. The weeping and wailing and such kinda cracks me up, it's good for kids just to get all that out sometimes!

hawley crew said...

The girls did great. I wouldent have guessed the practices were so tramatic. Sorry I diden't Get to stay for your whole lesson. But I thought it was going great. what ever you do always turn's out awsome. Because your AWSOME!!!!

lindsay said...

full and satisfying childhood MY EYE! Notice how we only do these things now that all the kids are older and we can wrestle Kevin-the-misbehavor into submission? We can only fulfill our childhood dreams now that i'm old and married and dont live there anymore. Otherwise someone would be crying or bleeding in one of those pictures.

The Martineaus said...

Karen, you are so funny! Wish we could've been at the ward Christmas program, we miss you all.