Every year my friend Becky calls me to see if I'd like to go with her to 'Time Out for Women'. And I always turn her down. I went once a long time ago with my mom, and really enjoyed it, but it's kind-of expensive, and it's ALL day on a Saturday...and I just don't have time. This year I considered it because it was Time out for Women and Girls, and I thought R might enjoy it...but I decided against it. So last Friday when Becky called and told me her sister was too sick to go and offered me her tickets, I took her up on it.R took some convincing, too. I mean, waking up at 6 am on a Saturday, and then being in a dress all day, wasn't any more appealing to her than it was to me (and for the record, yes, I realize we didn't HAVE to dress up - but we had a baptism to go to right after and...anyway...it was just more convenient that way). We were both so glad we went.The speakers/singers were very entertaining and fun, but it was also a great opportunity for R, especially to feel the Spirit and realize that living the gospel can be fun! It was great for me to have the opportunity to have some one on one time with her. She is so much like me that we sometimes butt heads, but this was a good way for us to bond.
Me and the girl...bonding.
R and I with Jenny Frogley - I just have to say that all the artists were so gracious. This has to be so exhausting for them, but they were happy to meet and take pictures with anyone who wanted it. She was so much fun! She reminded us to be 'shiny'.
R with John Hilton...we had never heard of him before but he gave a great talk on using the scriptures.
R with Cherie Call. We took this picture for you, Wendy. Cherie was our good friend's roommate at BYU. It turns out I met her a few times when we were both much younger and a friend and I sang one of her songs before she was famous! I feel so important. My favorite part about Cherie's message was that to get where she is now took a lot of work...and that in H.S. she was never the 1st one chosen. I think that was very important for young women to realize that even famous people had to go thru their awkward teens, too!
R with Abe Mills from Jericho Road. If you ever meet him, ask him to do the O.T. rap for you! Hilarious!
R and her BFF with Hillary Weeks. R didn't know who she was, but she absolutely LOVED her! R really has kind of a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, and Hillary was kind-of the same way. She keeps talking about how much she enjoyed her talk and her songs. That's the kind of role model I'm happy for my daughter to have.
Thanks for the tickets, Becky. I hope your sister gets feeling better soon.
I heard such AWESOME things about this. So cool you got to go and "bond"
I really need a time out. Send me, please.
Good mommy and daughter times!
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